That about covers it. Cabling is not my primary task. I do pickup occasional simple single run pulls, the very occasional residential data install.

I've been asked to do an install in recently rebuilt commercial space before the tenant who I do other work for enters it. I like the tenant, and would like to keep working for them. I have looked at the space, the GC hung boxes and conduit on the opposite sides of the metal studs from the electrical. They are both in metal boxes though, and nothing back to back. About 70% of the rock is on and it is all insulated.

Issue 1) grid is installed at 9', and the bottom of the girders are at about 20'. I can't figure a way to reach the girders to hang anything. I know the cable cannot be on the tiles, but would there be any problem\code for hanging it from the grid stringers supporting the grid?

If I remember right the stringers are 16-18 gauge steel but this much copper would still weigh a lot.

The server room is centrally located. I've figured run lengths for the drops which work out to 115' with planned service loops. Each drop is getting 3 cat6 cables. I feel this is overkill but will do it. An important person wants 6 so they get 6 or maybe 6a. Personal opinion, desktop PCs don't need 1G even if Dell ships them that way now. The company always need more ports in the current space, and this overkill is the cause of that.

It is all being done as data, there are no analog lines except one for one fax and I don't even know where that goes yet. There is no DEMARC anywhere in the space that I can find. There is a phone closet on the other leg of the L shaped building. I should post a picture of that, but I got out too quick (alive).

My thought on process is the following...

Initially string all the cable on the tiles but over any insulated heating or electrical which has its own hangers since it was sensibly done before the grid was in.

Once everything is run, go back though and hang it. It will take longer this way, but then I'll know where hangers are needed. My thought on hanging is to ziptie a long ziptie loop to the stringer. This loop wouldn't be to bundle it, but would be more like a stirrup for the cable. I hope the offset weight will cause enough angled friction to keep the first tie from sliding down the stringer. If I have to I can always add a screw on clamp, I guess.

I plan on specifying Velcro to bundle this.

In the server room, I plan on patch panels on a 2 post rack. cable in though the cener of the ceiling. No one planned for trays, the reason I was told is that they were not needed. :bang:

I think it would make the most sense order wise to punch each cable from a box to a different patch panel on the same port #. That way all of box-1 will be on port-1. To make telling the cables apart easier(support) I was to use 3 colors (blue white and gray), and then wiring the 3-fer at each station the same way. Once again to make supporting it later easier. I will be pin checking all pairs on the install, and maybe renting a real certifying cable tester if I can get them to go for it.

All totaled for all of the cables and drops it looks like about 15,600 feet of cable, or 5,170 for each color.

Besides being crazy to even think about doing it, is the logic sound? The biggest thing I worry about besides the short time I have to locate gear is the hanging issue. I'm about 30% run away, and 70% don't want to loose this customer because they have been a regular source of income for the last 6 months because their last IT guy didn't document any thing.

ALL recommendations would be appreciated and are pre-thanked profusely.

About me:
8 years of network support
7 years IT field service

Always looking for the next project to be done.