As RM said, get rid of those awful prompts:

Get rid of annoying prompts. Open Block Table and select “EClass”. On the first page, delete prompts 0719, 0720, 0721, 0722, 0723, 0724, 0725 and 0726. On page 2, delete prompts 0714, 0715, 0716 and 0717. Save changes.
Set directory search by first name. Open Block Table and select “Directory”. Set “Search Based on First Name” to YES. Go to page 2 of “Directory” and change the “Enter name” prompt from 0127 to 0139. Save changes.
Eliminate menu repeats. Open Block Table and select “Menu”. Select menu block “Day Main”. Set “Repeat prompt if NO ENTRTY” to “0”. Save and go to menu block “Night Main” and do the same. Save changes.
Turn off auto play of message info. This must be done per mailbox unless the template box is setup before and mailboxes were created. Open Block Table and select “Mailbox”. Under Group 01, open the first mailbox (usually 201) and go to the Authorizations page. Where it says “Auto play of message info enabled”, set it to NO. Then click Next on the lower left portion of the page and it will ask you to save. Press enter and it will save and take you to the same page of the next mailbox. Repeat this procedure until all mailboxes have been changed, then save the application.
Set up a general message box for the night menu to default to. We will use x201 in this example. Open Block table and select “Menu” and menu block “Night Main”. Go to the “Menu Input Processor” page and select “NO-ENTRY”. Select “GoTo” and “Type” is “MBX” and click on “Target name” and select MBX 201. Save changes.