Yes, I agree with you Ben in that I think it is one of the best VM's I've ever worked with. I don't want to come across like I'm bashing it at all because I'm not. I really have ZERO issues with it except this, and it's only on the 4e's. I've also spoken with Scott H. before(not on this issue) so I know who you are talking about. We have a lot of svmi 4e's out there and this problem has come up on about 10% of them, and a few of those multiple times. To answer Scott's questions:

Any other corruption? I don't know how to tell since the system generally doesn't boot.

Errors on the drive? If he is talking about temp files, there is usually 1 or 2. If he is talking about chkdsk, nothing out of the ordinary.

Tech support has been unable to explain to me why this has happened(see first 2 questions) and so far not felt the need to replace anything.

Trouble shooting steps? Usually call from customer that VM isn't working results in the girls at the office telling them to power off/on the switch. Then if it still doesn't work I'll get sent out to find that the svmi is either continuously rebooting or boots with an invalid block table and won't answer any calls or answers with silence and/or hangup. Most of the time when I get the system to the dos prompt I'll find that the block.tbl/bak/old files are all the same size with the same date and time of creation, 3am on whatever day it happened. There is always still mbx's in the mbx folder and msg's in the msg folder. I've tried to restore msg's but it never works. I'll end up defaulting and starting over. And defaulting the system always brings it back.

How many times before a proper shutdown? Not sure what he is asking here. Every customer is different, each site different. Is he talking about random power outages before the failure? How many times the customer powered the switch off/on before I got there? How can I tell? I myself always take the VM down properly if I can commuicate with it via comm port. If not, then and only then will I hit reset button on VM.

Thanks Ben for the response! I've read many of your posts and respect your opinion on this. I've been a certified Samsung tech since the original DCS rolled out so I'm very familiar with the product. However, this issue has me stumped. I'm hoping an extra head here will help.