("The final obstacle I need to overcome, and cannot seem to find any reference to in the documentation, is ports vs. circuits vs. station numbering.

We wired the jacks from circuit 1 through 8 on the block. We wired circuits 9 through 12 on the appropriate terminals on the block.")

Here is a little 411 on the wiring blocks. The P1 connector is w/bl through w/br is CO1-CO4, skip w/sl, r/bl through blk/gr is stations 201-208. P2 is a little different, skipping every other one but starting with w/bl and ending with blk/bl is CO5-CO10, blk/br through v/sl is stations 209-220. Maybe this is why some of your phones are not recognized.

("When you enter installer programming with TRNSFR 800, it asks for the password. Once entered, you have to enable the access, then every time you go out of programming and back in, it has to be re-enabled.

Does this sound right? ")

Yes this is correct, its security for the Tech. However, in system timers, you can adjust how long it stays enabled.
