would that work on an ies32?

I have a sweetheart relationship with Dove, the Toshiba dealer, I've closed sales for them, I do their Avaya Partner work, etc. and when I asked them about this they were clueless.

I've got a CIX100, ACTU3, ies32

Usually set to ring live, then to VM after 4 rings.

The annoying people usually hang up after they get my voicemail greeting.

They are fake Jews looking to steal charity money. I had sent them some money then caught them in a lie and once I knew they were crooks told them never to call again but now they just call and call and call.

A REAL charity would not keep calling and calling and calling to just annoy you.

Thanks, Bracha

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.