Just when I thought I'd seen all the problems possible on the DX80 8.5.11b in skin flash voicemail, I find a new one.
Background; the system is a year old with a few complaints about this all along, but recently adding a second cabinet and 7 phones and new people it is now being reported daily. I upgraded from 39 to 42 software and the trouble still occurs. Reception transfers a call to voicemail and intermittantly the caller will leave a message but the box doesn't record it. Playback and you get silence for several seconds then the caller ID, when we call them back they say they left a message. These are not all cell phone calls. I haven't spent a day there troubleshooting this yet, any ideas what to look for or how to troubleshoot it? We know it is happening with calls transfered to VM from an extension, can't say if it happens when transfering from the main greeting. I hope one of you wizards can give me a clue.