Originally posted by JWRacedog:
Troubleshooting 101 like johnp says. Unplug everything. Go to 66 block. DT or NDT?? DT--plug one device in--NDT --go to each jack and take wires off of the jacks. Keep going---step by step. Slow.

I've had customers kids put crap in an unused jack--shorted out all of the lines. I've had a fork coming out of a jack one time. Goofy.

Troubleshooting 101.
Agreed 100%

Unplug all phones and check for dailtone on the 66 block.

If no dialtone, pull all of your cross connects and check for dialtone.

If there is dialtone, reconnect each jack one at a time, checking for dialtone after each connection. This will point you towards a bad jack/shorted cable pair.

If there is still no dialtone, your feed to the demarc is bad.