Thank you for your reply.

Perhaps I'm confused on the terminology for Centrex, rotary and B1's. Does a "Private B1" allow me to give that telephone number to select clients in order for them to bypass the main line of my office, and prevent any of my other employees from getting on my line? If so, then that is what I want to do, I just used the wrong terminology.

Two more questions.

(1) Should I look into a firmware upgrade to install the voice mail and new cards, or is it not very important as long as the phone has been working? (I have no idea what my firware is currently).

(2) I would like to put a battery backup on my system and voice mail box, since our local power is terrible (lot of brownouts and blackouts at least once a month). Would an American Power Conversion BackUps 350 be adequate, since I have an extra laying around, or do I need a special type of battery backup?