Okay so its been a while since i've done a TDA system. In the past I bought my clients the system via a local dealer so he naturally got it all setup for us, and the last time I did a system was about 2 years ago, a TDA100 in my own office.

Well obviously they made some changes and the TDA50G is what they sell now... so I bought that from a local distributor of mine (they sold it to me direct after i gave them my BTS dealer number).... so now i have this here and im not quite sure where to get the TDA50G software. I log into my BTS account but all i see is the unified console stuff and the SD card (5.0) files.... what happened to the maintenance console? Do they not use it anymore??? A little help is appreciated here.

Also, do i need to active the TDA50G to use it like i used to with the TDA100? (the person i bought it from activiated it for me, but in this case, i purchased the TDA50G direct from my distributor this time, not through a panasonic dealer, my distributor is authorized to sell me this product line, just not the TDE)