I'm sorry for not coming back here sooner. Yes the old programmer software can be run on windows 10.
You have to change 1 byte in the EsiMain.exe file.
The byte at position DF(Hex)/223(Decimal) in the original file is 85(Hex)/133(Decimal).
Change the byte at position DF(Hex)/223(Decimal) to 84(Hex)/132(Decimal).
And it will work.
You can use a hex editor to do this, or this powershell script:
Put the following in a text file called PatchESI.ps1, and place this file and EsiMain.exe in the same folder for patching.
$infile = "EsiMain.exe"
$outfile = "Temp.exe"
$byte = [Byte[]] (0x84)
$f = Get-Item $infile
$file = (Get-Content $infile -encoding byte)[0..222] + $byte + (Get-Content $infile -encoding byte)[224..$f.Length] | Set-Content $outfile -encoding byte
Rename-Item $infile ("$infile" + ".old")
Rename-Item $outfile ("$infile")
This error occurs because the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT Flag is set in the exe because of a compile error when they built it,
due to a change from Microsoft that broke some things.
Here is some background info: