Originally Posted by Derrick
XP OS should be loaded onto the hard drive, from there just like you are looking at your own laptop, go to desktop, then start programs look for Vodavi, and there should be an admin file to open, works the same as the old pathfinders, not like the admin sofware where you connect with a serial cable.

Hello Derrick,

Yes the XP OS is loaded and there are 3 programs running.

Data Source 3.0.211
Process Monitor
See the pictures in the DropBox link here: InSkins HDD

The programs that are running don't seem to give any ability to make any changes.

I did a search for Vodavi and only found one file. Vodavi89.exe
When I double click on it a screen pops up that appears to be black DOS screen for about 1 second and
then disappears. Can't read anything in that 1 second flash but if something is there that can't be used.

As I said before I am feeling like as Dumb as a Rock here but it seems that certain program files are just missing.

Also when I search for *admin*.* I get the files shown in the one picture. Clicking on a few indicate that
the file is either changed or moved and will no longer work.

Any chance there is something that can be downloaded from somewhere that could be loaded into this HDD??

Thanks for any assist.


Last edited by ABLE1; 12/17/20 02:02 PM.