Even funnier, the guy is a sparky. Here is a sample of his "advice". I've removed his name except in one spot.

Thats telephone wiring that poses no hazard relax people you're not in any danger

Jesus christ have you all lost your minds? What are you worried about?

go cut it down then . If thats your biggest concern right now you lead a pretty charmed life . Get over it you live in greater Boston and things get old and fail. You probably drive over 10 to to 20 bridges every week thar are near collapse and far more unsightly than an old telephone cable that none of you people even use anymore .

Well there you go! Get yourself some tie wraps ,coil it up , secure it and no need for this foolish debate . Its not an electrical hazard

so are automobiles what is your point? Its not an electrical hazard . Call Verizon or Comcast im sure they'll fly right over and assuage all your fears

i am also an electrician for 30 years and its no big deal if it was it would be addressed by the power company . At most it carries 48 volts it might look ugly but is not going to kill anyone . If you're an electrician get your extentension ladder and solve this debate. Its not an electrial hazard anymore than a cat 3 telephone cable that is exposed and stapled to the baseboards in your home. Just relax with this nonsense

Rick Jenkins
Keith Chinal
would u have left it this way

no i wouldn't have because i am a professional and take great pride in my work. My point is while it's unsightly and probably an example of work that is not neat and workmanlike its still not dangerous and there is no reason to get anyone worried about electrocution

ma bell ? Jesus what are you living in a time warp ? It hasn't been bell systems for decades

Paul Andrew Chudigian
its whomever not whoever smarty pants