
Thanks, I'll take a look at the site.

No, we don't have caller ID. It's too expensive on the PBX.

We have 8 fax machines, some are Potts lines and some are DID. Some are on servers which we distribute via fax. It's not that my fax machine junk faxes are bothering me so much... it's those coming to my switchboard and my users. I'm busy on the board with customers and I'm putting them on hold for fax tones CONSTANTELY. Plus my 300 DID users are getting them and calling and yelling at me. Meanwhile, I have work to do inbetween. Sorry, I'm just venting. Can you see my frustration.

I thank you for your help!!!!!

To Succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone. ..Reba McEntire