We are a medical recruiting and placement company (Traveling nurses) and just moved into a new, larger building that we purchased. Almost 100 employees right now.

After installing call accounting software, our peak usage day in the past 6 weeks is: total calls: 4118 = 276 in / 3842 out (7,778 minutes used).

We are steadily increasing our call volume and hiring, at minimum, 4 people a month. We just added the 4th PRI 2 weeks ago in expectation of growth. 80% of our employees are recruiters meaning they need to be able to dial out at any moment. When I told management we had 69 lines for calls when we moved into this new building, they wanted to add a new PRI to get us to 92 lines.

Right now, the reason I'm asking about an additional PRI card is to plan for future growth as they expect to grow to around 150 employees in 6 months.

We are only using DS-5021D phones. In fact, I have 4 ITP-5021D phones that are gathering dust as they will never be used.

Future things I will be looking into are:
* Door ringer / front door call box to page someone inside the building when the front security doors are locked.
* 100% (Except C-level employees / owners) call recording
* Boss / secretary setup (Have not researched this much yet)
* Find other features that may be beneficial to the company. (Ex. Thanks to 3.2.3 DiD Ringing, the owners now have private direct lines.)

If anyone has other suggestions on features or changes I should make, I'm open to them. I'm just a software engineer acting as a communications tech wannabe. smile

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" ~ Albert Einstein