Systems one and all have their problems and they stay pretty consistant for each model. I have repaired many types of systems their cards power supplies and phones. From membranes in partner phones to all the electrolitic caps on many types of power supplies. You would be surprised at the stacks of hardware fixes all and I repeat ALL companys have. The hardest part is after a few years they won't mfg support their products as they are in the business of new sales. Can't blame them its there line of work. The hard part for installers and field techs is making that choice between down time to send somthing out for repair,stocking spares etc. or selling them a new system. Most anything can be repaired as long as its not burnt up. As long as we inform endusers of all their options then you will allways have their business. Because we all want an honest answer. Its called customer satisfaction and should be everyones 1st priority.