The integration options in flash 65 are for an analog voice mail, not for the inskin flash or hard drive voice mail. Regardless of how the ports are programmed, calling 440 should always result in vm asking for a password or if the extensions do not match the voice mail boxes you would get the "if you have a mailbox on this if it may be possible that the phone system is not sending digits to the vm, (very rarely does that happen) which the reset button on the phone system mpb may fix. Secondly the vm is not paying attention to the integration and that requires re-initializing it. You talk to the voice mail using the db9 on the voice mail card. One other thing, check flash 67 button 1 and 2, make sure they are enabled as well.

"Old phone guys never die, they just get locked in some closet with an old phone system and forgotten about"

Retired, taking photographs and hoping to fly one of my many kites.