Been taking a long look at Grandstream. Really impressed so far. No licensing. Very reasonable pricing.

We are primarily a Samsung Officeserv dealer and the name sells, but Samsung has been dangling the carrot on a small-med IP platform for a long time and a few months back the word came down that it isn't going to happen.

Looked at ESI also.

Selling the Grandstream gives us a leg up on competing against hosted systems because of trunking leverage, SIP commissions (ClearFly), and the customer ownership/ROI.

IF anyone is installing the newer line of Grandstream products please chime in.

I am OLD SCHOOL and still pro-digital exts to the bitter end in MOST installs.

Most times there simply is no benefit to IP phones and they are a pain. What is the benefit of installing (specifically) a Samsung IP phone in house vs digital - answer - none.

But systems like this Grandstream are a completely different animal.

Large color Android display phone for the cost of a 90s-looking Samsung iDCS or DS phone.

I mean finally there is a real reason to (possibly LOL) get excited about selling an IP system.

Last edited by Noisycow; 03/30/14 02:41 PM.