Got a question (a realllyyy basic question) along the same line. What is the proper way to to terminate wires on a 66 block. I have really really bad luck with them. Right now on the system I have at home, stations get knocked off the system if a touch the block/wires or if I slightly move the block.

The way I do it now, I slightly wedge the (unstripped) wire between the teeth of a pin, line the hole of my 66 blade (on a Harris DB14, set to high) up with the top of the pin, and (with some force) push straight down 'til it pops. The wire seems to go all the way down and it requires some effort to remove the wire......but I never seem to get a connection. I'll even punch a wire that's already been punched, just to make sure it's seated well, but no luck at all......had to resort to a BIX connector and a butter knife which kind of works (can't seem to get more than 1 station to work becasue my wiring is so shoddy). Good thing this is only for home.