Originally Posted by tito1411
Its a management nightmare though. Any time you add a computer or change a computer name then you have to create a new Hosts file and go through all the workstations and replace the existing file. Either way will work but from a management standpoint a WINS server is the way to go.

i agree, i just like the mental exercise. =) i suppose you could set up a logon script in the Local Group Policy Editor to grab a new copy from a fileshare - then you'd only have one file to update for adds/moves/changes. no doubt though, by the time you've gone through all that trouble, a freebie WINS server doesn't look so bad.

Originally Posted by tito1411
I recently took over a network that had 75 devices in it, no DNS, DHCP, or WINS server, and the old admin modified all the Hosts files on each workstation computerprobs

eeeeek! now that's just crazy... i would never do it with more than a dozen or so clients and even then, only in a pinch.

i had a customer who was using an old XP box as a file server and sometimes they'd lose their drive mappings. the previous sysadmin had created a batch file on each desktop with NET USE commands to delete and remap the shares. the users would just double-click on it any time they couldn't get to their files.

"There is one thing and only one thing in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth." - Leo Tolstoy