Just wanted to comment on this post, as I feel that me and another technician was "poorly trained" by cisco on this system. As we work on many different systems we decided to add the cisco brand to our inventory. So a cisco rep came down to our office, pitched the product to us and sold us on installing the cisco uc series. A couple of weeks later we sent two technicians to the "cisco certification" 2 day event.

We took down our little uc540 demo system that cisco sent us. Set it up on the table and waited for the instructor to come in and start the "intense training" we were about to get.

Boy was I wrong. This 2 day "certification" consisted of about 14 pdf files that we had to open and go through step by step. Very vague, and we both felt as telecom technicians that this certification was nothing more than to have a warm body on site that could just call cisco support. Every question that was asked by all of us in the training room for the most part could not be answered by the instructor. We kept getting the response "I'll check with engineering and I'll get back to you"

So after the training was done, we went back to our office and setup the 540 and tried everything within our power (and knowledge) to learn this thing. As we started installing these systems, we knew very quickly that we were not properly trained and as a telecom professional it irked me that some things I could not figure out. You would be amazed how the customers infrastructure would be different from install to install.

I would also like to ask some other dealers out there how their training was on this product. Ours was sub par, and unfortunately we had to learn some things at the customers expense, which by the way is not how it should be.