Well, when I mean easy to program. I am kind of asking you to take an objective view.

In other words, I don't necessary mean that its easy for you but rather if you hired an assistant, would it be easy for you to teach them?

Is it something that would take you a few minutes, hours, days or weeks to teach someone how to use the system.

I would say that ESI you hit the ground running with programing, Samsung would probably take you a couple hours to figure out the concept, Nitsuko would probably take days or weeks to learn.

If you have been programing Nitsuko for the last 25 years, of course you are going to think it easy but if you take an objective view in comparing it to other systems you will wondering why they created such a awkward system.

In you want to make a quick change on an ESI or Samsung, it will take a few minutes. If you were trying to make a quick change on the Nitsuko, you might have to spend hours digging in the manual in my opinion.