There is no technical reason why the device should require a globally valid TLD though. I have no need for anything outside my local network to talk to it. That's why I'd prefer to use my namespace. My ISP's SMTP server requires a valid domain though. From my experience this isn't normally the case with the SMTP servers I use as the 'From: ' header can easily be spoofed and gives no guaranty of authorship (eg I could tell my ISP I was [email protected] and it will send it along it's merry way). So really their policy does very little, arguably nothing, to prevent spam. It's most likely the case that this is a usability feature as I'm sure they get plenty of calls from idiots like me who have whacko domain names as their from address.

It would be nice if there was a configuration on the system that you could just enter in any email address and have all the email the system sends out represent as that address, like any other piece of software that sends email.

I ended up setting up a new global domain with a MX server on it. I setup all users that are on the PBX as email aliases on that domain, to forward to the person's actual email address. So in the case anything gets sent to it, it will be forwarded to the proper destination. This functions perfectly but was kind of a hassle to setup.

Oh well, thanks for the help everyone!