Originally posted by KLD:
welcome TrinityEB !!!
Please do contact local dealers....they are the real value in an installation. Any system is no better than the dealer/installer.

If you have any direct questions and a dealer has not contacted you, please contact X-Blue and they will connect you with a dealer.
Thanks Ken, I'm already reaching out to hitechcomm as he's in my general area. I've also had some conversations with two local contractors, one who recommended a NEC DSX-40 system, and one who's recommending a Toshiba CIX40 system. I realize that dealers are going to be biased towards the systems that they carry. I also know that the installation and service is every bit as important (if not more) than the product itself. That being said, I'm just trying to get some objective opinions and comparisons of what's out there.

Thanks again,
