When I was still working for AT&T our benefits were valued at about $8000, that's the value the company put on them. That's 10 years ago but I doubt they've quadrupled.

From what I've read the company placed over 100 givebacks on the table and when the strike was called not one had been removed. It's true it takes a long time to recover the money lost, but you never get back once it's given. I don't know all the details, seems no one ever does, but I do know that calling a strike is the last resort.

You can't work without a contract, unless the company agrees. You can't extend a contract, unless the company agrees. You can't continue to bargain unless the other side agrees and does so in good faith.

We don't know all the facts so we can't assume the walkout was what the union wanted. It takes two to Tango ya know.

Retired phone dude