
One of my favorite shows is Forensic Files as well as The New Detectives. I remember a guy saying "If you think you have a plan for a perfect murder, there are 50 ways to f*** it up, and you're a genius if you can come up with 25 of them."

A couple of years ago, there was a horrific accident where a guy in an SUV slammed into a car (the occupants of the car were killed...high-school kids too).

Now the guy was trying to say that they pulled out in front of him, though he had had his license suspended in the past (reckless and aggressive driving). The investigators plugged into a chip that is the equivalent of a black box on an airplane. They found he had been driving over 70 (the speed limit in that area is 35-45).

I don't think he'll be driving anytime soon.

Another guy's had murdered his wife. How did they catch him? By taking his work computer and reconstructing deleted files (erasing your digital footprints isn't as simple as it seems,) they found he had been researching different ways to poison someone so that it would be untraceable.