Wow, Arthur, a lot to dig through here. One, I thought BSPs were the "standard" that all installers had to adhere to, but then again I am not an installer.

Looking back, I think I did a poor job stating my original thoughts: I have never seen a Type 3 speakerphone in operation, but have always seen the speaker and transmitter wired directly to the Model 55 control unit. Seeing the 2565 with the two units wired into it really took be aback.
Similarly, I remember getting a 2565 with 4A speakerphone complete that had no 85B power supply but 92B connecting block had connections to run power from the KSU. Our mutual friend EV said that was commonly done but I had never seen that before.
Getting back to this issue, does your BSP actually show something as to what I have. Only two pages, 6 and 7, seem to deal with this. Pages 8 and 9 deal with a 149 connecting block, which I thought was like a 2 in 1 adaptor.

And yes, in my haste, I got abbreviations confused. Sorry, here is the corrected version:

BK-O to L1 of network
BK-S to BL-Y of25-pair cable
Y-O to LG
O-BK to LH
BL-R to #4
G-Y to #3
S-BK to #2

The BSP you furnished does not seem to have anything that follows that wiring sequence. Am I right?
