Hi Mark,

I am certain that you can use your ring generator with your KSU. You have the exact KSU and ring generator that I do, and your ring generator is hooked up at the same place that mine is. The only difference is you mounted yours on the interrupter, and I fabricated a metal bracket for mine to mount on the back board (The bracket is simply a 45 cent metal bracket sold in a home improvement store... ask someone (if you can find them) for a 'hurricane rated stud bracket'.

Of course, if Arthur or Ed disagree with me, by all means, listen to them. They are both my 1A2 gurus, and they have more knowledge about this subject in their little fingers than I and my cats will ever hope to ever possess in all nine of our lives.

The one thing I notice on your set up is it looks like the plug/socket thing on your ring generator power cord is different than on my 118A.

Look in past 1A2 threads, and you will find pictures of my setup.



Real comms took 200lb teletypes, hand keys, sounders, operators and cranked phones!