Remote Hold as Arthur stated was the great nightmare. God help you if you found that job in your bin in the morning. Management would always give you a reasonable amount of time to do the job.....say 2 hours. It usually wouldn't take you more then....... say 2 weeks. And then it wouldn't always work. Or it might work - for two days and then stop working and then start working again.

As Arthur said: ARRGH!

The job is this-

A customer has two offices across town from each other. He wants the same lines installed on key sets in both buildings. When a call rings in, both keysets ring. That's easy. When a line is picked up in Building A it should go steady in Building B (too). When it's put on hold in Building B it should wink in both places. etc.

This was handled with a half pair per line run between the buildings that was tied to a collection of relays (6B, 17B, 18D) wired in arcane fashion. To fully guarantee productivity a pure white goat was then sacrificed and the blood poured over the ....

Well, not really, but you get the idea.

It was A lead control raised to the "Nth power" It was a nightmare.

Later Sanbar came out with a card that took a full pair between sites and replaced the 400 card at each end. I never used them and don't know if they worked.

A nightmare.


"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"