Thanks Guys!

Ed - the 601A Manual says - (pp. 34, sec 11.09) -

Refer to the instruction sheet packed with the 410A KTU and strap the KTU for Option W. If 18VAC is used for intercom signalling (I use 10v) strap the KTU for Option V. If 105 VAC is used for intercom signalling, strap the ktu for option U.

Looking at the card, there are 2 sets of jumpers, each with 2 possible positions.... I suppose that since I'm using the lowest voltage for signalling, and there are only 4 combinations of the 2 jumpers, I could "experiment". But that kinda scares me.

Also I noticed you said "401A" - did you mean 410A?

Anyway, it looks like I'll definately be going back to to trying to get the 401B KTU intercom card working, It seems to be integral to paging since I access paging by an intercom key. Either that or I guess a lot more strapping between the 66 blocks and the KSU, which I don't want to do. I like the Melco, but I like the thought of everything being in one box a bit more.

Funny this - I've got a phone every 10 feet, intercom, and paging.... and I live alone.

lol. I think I could find a lot worse ways to spend my time and money though.

Thanks for the power supply info Ken/Sam... I think if worst came to worst, I could probably beef up the existing one if I had to, it's a pretty straigtforward circuit... and I'm guessing the xformer could probably deal with the extra load... if only I could get a clear schematic for it. But I'm not overly worried, I think as Ed said, the PS was built to handle all this stuff. But I'm having serious second thoughts about shipping my spare off to Levi. Oh - one more thing, I get to build my own preamp circuit that goes between the KSU and the audio amp.... woo hoo!

First step in all this is to get the 401B working.

You all have a good week as well, I know I'm going to!!!