Ed is (as always) right. That's a 207C Stepper Rotary only Intercom.

There was an add on unit that allowed Tone & Rotary dialing - I believe it was a 216 model.

I don't know where you could find one now. If you did find one, I could come out and hook it up for you. But the mileage from Brooklyn would probably be excessive.

Like the guys said a Melco, Tone Commander etc. "C" type (Combination - rotary & tone) intercom would do it for you but it would require a good couple of hours of retrofitting.

A bunch of us still have these units in stock, so if you find someone to install it, you'll be in luck.

I don't blame your dad for hanging on to those phones - they last forever.

Good luck.


"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"