Originally posted by rustynails:
If cost is no factor always go with 70v/Bogen(?) system. Much easier to install, add to, troubleshoot, and change. If cost is a factor, 10 horns or less stay with 24v/Valcom(?) system. I have found that 10 horns is typically the break even point.
I agree except that there may not even be a cost difference between a 70v system and Valcom that uses powered speakers. With Valcom you have to contend with power supplies and power wiring to each speaker in addition to the audio. And since each speaker contains it's own amplifier they each are a maintenance issue that you don't have with a 70 volt system.

I've done 70 volt systems with just two speakers. I don't believe the cost was any more than Valcom and it was a hell of a lot easier. Not that I have anything against Valcom, I just don't see the point.


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