I am dealing with a similar issue. The LEC is Windstream (should be called "SmokeScreen") and the situation has become ridiculous. In the good 'ole days, everything was on copper and it was reliable. Today, even this "nut case" LEC is using HDSL from co to co and even to SLiCs. My terminal current is 45 ma. and I have installed Mike Sandman's modem conditioners to bring it down to about 25 ma. I got the problem of the FAX just plain not working to working most of the time. I really believe it is a matter of the LEC's equipment not being able to properly handle FAX data through multiple conversions. The problem, in my opinion, is that, even though everything gets converted to data, FAX is data converted to analog and then converted back again to data, but not the exact same way. Just drop a bit from the stream and immediately there are problems.

I will be watching this thread closely because I have to have a face to face with the hospital administrator and the LEC over this issue and it appears to be very similar to my problem. My advice, however, is make sure you measure the terminal voltage and current and get that in the correct place (48 to 55 VDC on hook, 5-10 VDC off hook and no more than 25 ma.)If any of these are out of range, then a call to Mike Sandman is in order to provide conditioning of the FAX line. That way, you can pretty much eliminate the terminal equipment and then concentrate on the LEC or carrier for the problem.


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