I recall one turret ad I saw, Plant I believe, traders used the handsets to cancel calls, tossed the handset in a drawer, I guess so the ringing was muted (Off-hook-ringing), and the handsets were apparently about as bulletproof as you can make plastic! Those things took a terrible beating!

We had a Tie Meritor in the KC Board of Trade pits, that actually stood up pretty well. But, when we needed to turn off the system, we just DID IT, fixed the problem, checked operation and got the heck out of there. "You just cost me $200,000". Yeah right, then you should be using better equipment! Man I got tired of the BS in that place! frown John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.