Shoretel is a great system if you want to pay $1000+ a seat for MGCP stations... They do have a great call manager application but the licensing is insane and you have to pay for support on a yearly contract. Shoretel does have remote survivability which the NEC products really don't have. With the UX and Cygnilink or the SV and Netlink both can only have one voicemail for a distributed system. Kind of sucks but the price point is hard to beat for networking. oh and Mike don't kid yourself.. the UX and the SV are the EXACT SAME SYSTEM..i have two networked together right now. same hardware different voicemails and phones.. i think the only appreciable difference is the UX phones have a call 1 and call 2 key on the phone so you don't have to burn up real estate for CAP keys.. SV has better voicemail.. thats about the only difference.

"If I can't fix it, I'll fix it so that no one else can"