We tried one or two services for a year or two... gave us a report on what things needed to be fixed. Did most of them. But in the end didn't help a whole lot. My boss decided these guys weren't helping enough, so he switched solely to a dozen or so pay-per-clicks with google and overture.

One thing was we had 15 domain names using Domain Direct's domain "redirection" hosting plan. Problem being, that they really just proxy your domain through a frame. Google can't see through that kind of frame, so it couldn't see any of our domains.

The ranking report recommended we switch to a real hosting company who could implement a 301 redirect at the http server level, for the other 14 domains. That way our main one, calltrol.com would receive proper recognition in the ranking. They recommended one of their customers, and we've been there since.

Rob Cashman
Customer Support Engineer