Yes the 540 is GOOD that means You can go to 540 ports

as far as a reset.. Look at my Last Post.

as far as Saving the Database..If you have Your computer running Procomm? and it is hooked up to one of the rs232 ports usually 1 or 2 unless, your going thru a DDI then it could be ports 5 thru 10 , go to the Main menu and press ' D ' Then press ' S ' for System Backup, pick a Name for your backup, with the extenstion being ' . pgm '

for example " abcco.pgm " that will save the SYSTEM programming

look at the other options in the D screen, You can also save the ACD programming, the Auto Att programming and I think with some software versions Call Accounting (if you have it) Use the " .ACD " extenstion for ACD

The System program is about 975Kb and the ACD is about the same if not a little bigger, They Both won't fit on a 1.44MB disk though....SAVE THEM TO YOUR HARDDRIVE.

As far as Making a cable to hook-up to the 2nd cabinet... GOOD LUCK!! That connector is a 'Bastard ' config...I think its 37pin amphenol...Not 25 like standard..

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

Retirement 2019 ( It has happened )