For months now we have been trying to get our Caller ID working on this system.

We have an IVX-128-PLUS system
Verizon Centrex lines

Currently CID works intermittently.

I have monitored CID where the phone lines come into the building and CID info comes in at all times.

Verizon has tested our lines and says that all lines are showing CID correctly.

Our installer has looked at this and has had ESI look into it. ESI via our installer says the issue is with our voice provider (Verizon) and that the CID info is coming in too late. Verizon says CID info is all good and there is nothing they can do to change how the CID info comes in on our lines.

We recently had our older IVX-128 system break down and replaced it with an IVX-128-PLUS system.

CID issues are still the same.

We would appreciate any help on getting our CID work. I hoping others have encountered similar problems and that there is a solution.

Thanks in advance.
