Since it's the day "of", I'll spill what I know. We've beta tested the new CS-50Lite and the CS-50(heavy) replacements for the S-Class. The Lite will be the direct replacement with basically the same specs, just with a modified version of the Comm server software. No more IVX! The "heavy" is more interesting, it's still a S-Class config 4x8x2 and takes the same cards, but also has a DLC82 card option, T1/PRI x 8 digital x 2 analog. Also the NSP port can be activated (for a fee) to be an IP "port card" (no addiitional IVC required)! It will do up to 12 IP "connections" and can combine ESI-Link and remote IP stations.

Blue hued backlit phones are also being rolled out. Cool, but I've never had anyone ask for one? Can be turned on or off. Also what they called a "crow" phone which will be the new phone across the board, I think. It simply solves issues with older phones where the LED's and display would not update properly when you were on long or poor cable runs. Some component is now being purchased from another manufacturer to solve the distance issues. We've used a lot of these in recent months with a big client!

"Genesis" software application (will probably stil be beta) is an online configuration/estimating application that still needs some work.

An "ECM" Bluetooth device that is still in beta, that allows you to connect a cellphone to the PBX via bluetooth and route incoming calls from the cell phone to any station. You can also dial out thru the cellphone (great when your T1 is down). Kinda cool but not a necessary item.

I've heard of some other things, but that is what I've seen with my own eyes.

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