Crankshaft Welcome to the Tech Talk board.

Although I don't know the specifics in this case the circumstances parallel a common scenario many of us face as techs in the field. Specifically a traditional business is put together with a small but quality telephone system using several copper loop start trunk lines and dsl data connection. Everything works fine for the customer until a sales rep from "X" company prepares a deal for the customer involving a partial T-1 for data and the lines broken out for voice service. Sales rep gets contract signed and a cutover date is set. The phone system installer gets a phone call requiring his or her presence for the cutover. In most cases it is a shock to the customer that there will be a service call charge for the visit. That is the first charge the customer faces that wasn't discussed by the sales rep. The cutover date arrives and the techs from both the new service provider and the original phone system intall company arrive. The sales rep (weasel) is not there. He/She is on another location doing the sales pitch. Also, there is a CG figitting about borrowing tools of others and such. After is all said and done the CG and "X company tech" are headed for the door asap, leaving the phone guy behind to try and figure out why CID worked yesterday but not today. The customer wants it to work because the sales rep promised. The CG doesn't care and the X Tech only knows the 25 pair color code because he keeps a cheat sheet in his wallet (company issue). The blatently obvious problem is the delivery of service is different than the day before and since the phone guy either can't get anything but speculation from X Techs they end up here trying to find a way to adjust their equipment to adapt to the new service providers settings.

All we want as field techs is accurate information to work with. You speak intelligently and it appears you know your territory, but where are you at cutover time. I never get to speak with anyone of your credentials, all I ever end up working with is a circle jerk of Geeks, Weasels, Rookies & the Tech Support reception babe from Company X.

That is how we end up like this! :bang: