The latest version for an E gen 2 is 2.5.6 and for gen 1 it is 1.5.26. You dont need your laptop to get your current version. Once in as installer just hit 9818.

Your 38400 baud should be fine on a direct connect. Have you verified the com port number of the serial port you are using? You can find this in your control panel/system/hardware/device manager

As for connecting via the NSP board... In ESI access your IP should match the IP in function 824 (NSP Private IP = local access) and (NSP Access IP = remote access)

Your MAC address will be blank if you do not have a IVC or RNC card so no worries here. This is used for remote IP phones and ESI-link.

Alot of detail here, hopefully this helps.

Let us know how its goes.