Many people who work, or comment on the IPO are not technicians, trained, certified, experienced, or even knowledgable, and therefore blamed much of the issues they had on the IPO. The reality was that they were leigh people, not technicians who were implementing systems as experiments not as experirienced technicians applying the technology in a knowledgable way. Some were just salesmen, or other brand or type system people who felt because of the GUI manager interface being so simple to navigate that they could just plug it in then hunt and peck their way through it with the keyboard, and a help file, or tech support.

I have not really had any serious issues which caused any mission critical functions to fail on any of the numerous implementations I have worked on. Nothing of the nature of say the Avaya Partner ACS R7 issue that caused the system to lose its programming in the event of a power failure, which by the way was fixed already for the ACS. Multiple sales to the same customers, multiple sites sold in phases for networked systems SCN's between sites, and letters of recomendation from my first, and my last IPO implement tell the story of the IPO being just fine in the right hands.

I can not recommend any technology platform, only technicians!