Hey Gene -

Long time!

I remember the "float". I was out there in the dead of winter and refused to use it. They eventually got me a rowboat, but boy did they bitch.

I was there because the pilings got pushed up when the water froze. When they got pushed up far enough they ripped the docks apart and ripped all the phone wire loose.

So they were replacing the pilings and I was replacing the wire. I was told that there are two different ends to a piling - a fat end and a skinny end. You're supposed to set the fat end down because it keeps the piling set better and less likely to get pushed up by the frozen water. They hadn't originally - they'd set the skinny end down (because you didn't have to drill as big a hole.

When they put the new pilings in, they did exactly the same thing again - skinny end down. I was told that they'd last about 5 -10 years and then it would happen again!


"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"