Thanks guys!

Since I'm somewhat of a perfectionist (and it'll drive me nuts), even though it doesn't matter, is it as simple as flopping the pairs around to correct the polarity? I checked all of the operational jacks in the house, and they all show up as polarity reversed, so I'm imagining that it's I'd just swap the wires around where the line comes in?

I was reading about ground start line seizure last night in the manual for the Harris Dracon TS21. Can someone explain it to me? Sounds like (based on what Sam said) it's not something that's necessarily used in residential wiring?

Thanks so much for the answers guys! My next step is to learn proper wiring technique, as I want to clean up the rats nest in my basement, then work on communications boards at both facilities I work at (all three if I can ever get to Kentucky again).

Complete noob.