We have had two OS-100 machines develop an issue with answering a trunk. The trunks are directly connected to the phones with the dt button. The call rings in and if it is answered immediately, the system doesn't connect the caller. There is a slight delay. (Usually just enough time for the answerer to say, "Thank you for calling xyz, this is.....)

We've changed out the trunk card and moved it in the cabinet. In the first case we discovered that if you turned on CID the time period that the trunk was held open expired and the staff could answer the calls as quickly as the ring came in. The owner liked the idea of CID so that resolved the issue as far as making the system work for him.

The second system is a new install and I don't think the owner is going to go for the CID resolution.

Besides, we really should know what the issue is and how to fix it. And, before you ask, no. We haven't contacted Samsung support. That is usually the place I go when I absolutely can't resolve something myself. It is probably only me, but I don't find them 'user friendly'.