I don't know if robe2 has had time to "borrow" the phones back to the ksu side of the building or not, but this is all detective work at this point, not programming.

As I said yesterday, if you can eliminate the wireless part of this, then that will mean it is a Samsung problem, not anything else. Driving the phones right off the card at the KSU will not for sure give you a total solution, but it will eliminate everything BUT Samsung in the equasion.

If the same clipping still happens, then Samsung can set up the identical configuration in repair and either duplicate it for the engineers or see what is different between your cards and their cards.

If the clipping is not there when you have the IP phones by the KSU, then you will be working with the wireless engineers to see what can or cannot be changed.

It could be as simple as a bad switch or POE settings wrong or some other hardware interference. The clipping certainly indicates lack of bandwidth, lack of power, lack of something.

So while we are all on pins and needles it certainly seems that the only two choices are either the wireless and associated switches on the far building or Samsung hardware. It is not a hard test, just schleplping phones from one building to another.

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.