I guese I should ask do you need just basic phone service? How many lines/stations? How big do you think you are going to go?

A few things:

Both system can display caller ID. Ease of use goes to the K3. Expandability goes to the Aspire. The K3 has 2 built in analog ports for analog devices such as night bells or wireless phones...ect. The Aspire CAN get an analog card but costs nore $$$. The Aspire has IP capability..the K3 doesn't (at this time). Flash voicemail, both are ok but the Aspire flash VM is better, but I assume they quoted the 4 port flash VM. The K3 comes standard 8 port <- this is huge BTW.

Phones, I like the look of the NEC phones better, but the 28 button phone on the K3 is a TRUE 28 button phone as opposed to the NEC. NEC 22 button phone is really a 12 button phone (not counting hold keys ect cause both systems have them) with 10 speed dial keys. Just whatever button config they tell you like 34 button on the Aspire is really a 24 button. The K3 phones also have one HUGE advantage is that they can take a regular cheapo headset with a mini plug (like for wireless phone or cell) right into it. IMHO the speakerphones on the Aspire phones suck and sound weak.

Please note: the Aspire can get fairly big but, the little thing they fail to mention is that is you go over 64 ports you have to upgrade the processor and thats big $$$. But, it can get ALOT larger than the K3.

I hope this helps but with more info I can get you more detailed info.