Originally posted by EV607797:
The problem that I see is that most of the Verizon technicians around here lack true troubleshooting skills. We had one who actually stopped by here yesterday to tell me that he's in over his head and wanted to know if we could do the repair for the customer. In his defense, he was working with a ComKey 416 system and he did do the right thing by knowing his limitations. He took the initiative to take our card, to call the customer and to arrange for us to go out there.

While I admire this guy for the extra effort that he made, the customer still has an inside wiring issue that they will end up paying us to fix. The inside wiring maintenance fee that they've been paying for on all of their lines for years won't likely be reimbursed.

Would a wire maintenence plan actually cover a phone system of any kind?

Not doubting your knowledge, just trying to understand since I've never heard of anything like that in my neck of the woods...

"...Time moves slowly and it goes so fast..."

(Sandy Denny)