Hello folks. I have lurked a bit on the forums here and have always been extremely impressed with the amount of knowledge and kindness offered to users who were willing to learn.

I'm posting now because I've just placed an order for a T1 from Covad via Verizon.

Here is the background as to why I'm concerned: This is a building that was constructed prior to the second world war, and cloth-covered 3-conductor wiring was installed (creating at least one full pair). This wiring is concealed in the walls, so it isn't replaceable. At the same time, the MPOE is apparently in our basement where Verizon's plant enters a box. In this box, the individual units' cloth-covered wiring terminates. Units which have had new wiring installed have their wiring exiting the basement exterior wall and following the exterior wall of the building to a hole drilled in the windowframe (which is a popular NYC solution, and not one I'm against in this case).

I have no real reason to be concerned about the older wiring, other than potential voltage issues (it is a higher gauge than most category 5, solid-conductor cabling I've seen), and a patina on the copper which easily polishes/scratches off. It has worked fine for POTS in the past, but ADSL was marginal at 3Mb/s. I do believe this was a result of a marginal loop coupled with the technology.

One issue I *know* I'll have, if Verizon insists on installing the NIU/SmartJack at what I believe is the MPOE is that I only have 2 pairs available. I won't be able to transport the customer side of the NIU to my unit easily. What I believe is the ideal solution, assuming they deliver via HDSL2, is to have them install the NIU/SmartJack in my unit. If the wiring to my unit is sound enough, it should be rather painless assuming I can actually get them to install it in my unit. If it is delivered via HDSL4, I would still like the NIU in my apartment, but I would also need to pay for the new wiring to support it (which I'd be happy doing, since that would bring my NIU up to my location rather than extending the Customer side of a NIU in the basement).

When and how should I approach Covad or Verizon regarding what I'd like done? Should I discuss this with the tech upon arrival, or should I contact Verizon and discuss this? Covad has basically said they cannot request special work from Verizon, and that I'd need to contact Verizon, yet they couldn't give me any contact information for someone at Verizon who could assist me.

This is kind of funny, since I'm not really clear on whether or not the demarc is even in the basement and not already in my apartment, as far as VZ is concerned. I do know that VZ came to our unit and installed the DSL (they trimmed-out older wiring and re-terminated the wiring from the basement where it enters our apartment in a new jack/block).

I apologize for the extremely long post, but I know you folks prefer too much info than too little.

I look forward to anything you kind people have to say. If there is any other information you need or would like, let me know.

Take care