In my neck of the woods, I was getting around 25 leads a month (average), in the last 6 months (this year) that has dropped to 15 or so (average) per month. The good news is, the leads are real. So no spinning wheels.

When I was getting the 25 leads per month, 10 were BS, but I developed a system to easily identify BS leads, so minimal time was wasted, and credits were easy because of my system.

As mentioned, I too felt the same about BZ as the posts above, what made me stick it out is that one of my major competitors was with BZ before me, and they did not surrender. I figured there has to be something to this and I need to figure it out.

I figured it out (12 months), and the results are awesome. I will admit, if your not organized, don't use outlook calender or something similar, do not create "Generic responses" you email (think copy and paste), you don't have a chance on succeeding with this.

Also, in my neck of the woods, there is a waiting list for years to get on BZ, this must say something no?