Originally posted by dagwoodsystems:
If you can afford it, I would recommend a "rugged" laptop such as the Panasonic Toughbook .
Quoted for truth!^^^ Also, the PDRC is really cool smile

The owners didn't want to spring for a new computer, when my old Toshiba died. So, I now have a Dell Latitude, circa 2005, BUT the best thing is an actual built in serial connection, so i don't have to mess with the USB converters. Other than that, I have it optimized to boot fast and only run process' related to our admin software. I manually update everything, when we have spare time in the office, but it's a $299 computer with a 2 year warranty... so I can't complain too much smile

- Tony
Ohio Data LLC
Phone systems, data networks, firewalls and servers in Central Ohio.
Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.